Community Sports Hubs /
Coach Education
Coach Education opportunities are available for sports clubs across South Ayrshire. Scroll down for further information on our Coach Education Courses.
Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport.Â
The training will provide you with the knowledge on child wellbeing and protection that will give you the confidence to deal with issues that may arise in your role working with children.
First Aid
This six hour course is specifically designed for those who are involved in many activities, including sports, leisure and recreation. Not only is basic life support included, but many other conditions ranging form hypothermia to head injuries, to sprains to seizures and asthma.
Coaching Children:
2x90mins online
- Take a person-centred approach to positively impact the health and wellbeing of children through sport and physical activity.
- Support children to develop positive behaviours through play, physical activity and sport so they can thrive.
- Offer children the best start through positive, purposeful experiences so they become competent and confident movers.
- Encourage lifelong participation/sport for life..
Psychology of Sport:
Online Modules
- Coaching Academy: The Coach Education Academy programme is an educational sport qualification programme for senior pupils from all secondary schools within South Ayrshire Council. We currently have 4 pupils enrolled in the coach education academy.
- School Sports Council: A group of pupils who help shape the sport and physical activity offering in the school. Every school in the cluster has their own sports council. With each council having different priorities.
- Junior Coaching Academy: JCA teaches pupils the skills needed to be sports coaches, pupils are then supported to deliver their own lunch clubs for younger children.
- Playground Leader: PL’s are responsible for delivering an activity at school break time in a dedicated activity area – trained by the ASC and supported by playground staff.
Psychology of Sport:
Online Modules
- Building and maintaining motivation in your athletes
- The 3 keys to being a good coach
- Coping with pressure and stress
Understanding Talent
- Understand the key aspects and implications of physical suitability
- Understand what is meant by the development process and how to implement this in your coaching role
- Understand how beliefs shape performance and what this looks like in practice